Mom Royal Smoothness 1ltr
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Tilmeld digMom Royal Smoothness
Mom Royal Smoothness is a premium gin brand that has taken the market by storm due to its refined taste and smoothness. This gin is produced by Serra da Rota, a Portuguese distillery that has been in operation for over 100 years. The company uses traditional methods to produce high-quality spirits that are enjoyed by consumers worldwide.
Unique Flavor and Aroma
This gin has a unique flavor that is a blend of botanicals and spices. It has a floral aroma with hints of juniper berries, coriander seeds, citrus fruits, and other botanicals that make it stand out from other gins on the market. Its refreshing taste is perfect for those who enjoy a classic gin and tonic or want to try something new.
Elegant Bottle Design
The Mom Royal Smoothness bottle design is inspired by vintage perfume bottles, which gives it an elegant and sophisticated look. It comes in a 1-liter bottle which makes it ideal for sharing with friends and family at parties or special occasions.
Facts about Mom Royal Smoothness Gin
One fun fact about this gin is that it is made using only natural ingredients sourced from local farmers in Portugal. The distillery believes in supporting local communities and using sustainable practices to produce their products.
Premium Production Process
To produce this premium gin, the distillery uses a unique blend of botanicals that are infused with grain alcohol. After the infusion process, the mixture is distilled in copper pot stills to create a smooth and flavorful gin. The result is a high-quality spirit that is enjoyed by gin enthusiasts around the world.
SKU | L-52-965-00 |
Brand | Mom |
Alkoholprocent | 39.5 % |
Inkluderer Giftbox | Nej |
Smagsprofil | Urter |
Oprindelsesland | Storbritannien |
Indhold | 1 Liter |
Drikkevaretype | Gin |
EAN stregkode | 8410023094450 |
Mom Mom Royal Smoothness 1ltr